雅思写作怎么提高?你会发现,这其中既有可以作为模板的表达句式: now the word “gap year” seem to be on every young person’s lips. 这就比你写”gap year” is a hot issue over the years要地道生动的多了吧。需要的语料也是很丰富,pros and cons,并且自带非常棒的表达句式,例如”a gap year can provide a person with valuable new skills that any employer will be impressed by.” 就是很好的主题句。甚至连你头疼的主题句的逻辑展开都是现成的,多多的去积累这样的地道表达,不愁写作高分目标不达。
两个解决方案:a. 调整模板 b. 直接复述题目作为背景句,thesis statement用各类题目最原始的表达
”I do believe that…..” (opinion led)
“the prime merit of … is… , while the main defect is ….” (advantage and disadvantage)
“whilst proponent of … argues that…, the opponent addressed the …. of ….” (discuss both sides)
“the primary problem related to … is …, and certain solution can be find in … and … area.” (problem and solution)
3. 如何积累真实语料
2)听课,老师的课上会提供给大家the most fresh and updated的主题相关表达。
最后,写作要想拿到高分,准备和积累和重要,always remember that you should prepare 80% beforehand, and finish the rest 20% on the exam room. 提前准备80%。一切靠临场发挥,除非你实力超群,否则分数就也得看考官的“发挥”了,祝愿大家考试顺利!